Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Chocolate in Your Teeth

Living approximately 3,000 miles away and three hours apart from your sister is not the easiest of things in life.  Of course life could be worse and we should always count our blessings.  But life sure is better when your sister is physically near (most of the time).  As with most sisters, my sister played an integral part in the person that I have become today.  She taught me to not be afraid of bees. We developed our own form of wailers for our staged funerals on the living room couch.  She taught me to put chocolate in my teeth and smile at the deacon from our church while he sat at the head clergy table during lunch. I then passed this talent onto my friends.

And we religiously played the Scare Game, hiding behind every corner and in every closet anxiously waiting to jump out! We played to the point of accidentally almost giving an 80 year old woman a heart attack for being around the wrong corner at the wrong time.  Needless to say, my sister was and still is a very important person in my life (we still play the scare game and put chocolate in our teeth).

So, after speaking to my sister on the phone today and laughing about things that most other people don't think are funny, I became a little nostalgic.  As it is lent (no dairy) and I wanted something sweet, I quickly remembered these chocolates we used to make as kids.  Melt semi-sweet chocolate chips. Mix in peanut butter.  Place dollops on wax paper. Chill in fridge. Pop in mouth.  At the time they were the best and the easiest to make.  So I frantically searched the cabinets for the two ingredients needed; if they weren't there going to the store would be out of the question.  Going to the store somehow always defeats the last minute snack urge.  So I melted and mixed the two ingredients and thought "wouldn't it taste good with pecans?" Then there was the decision "should the pecan go on the bottom or the top?  It would look good on the top but having one on the bottom is like a surprise and a crunchy, nutty surprise is always so good!" So on the bottom they went.  But once you pour the chocolaty goodness over the pecan it is definitely in need of something on the top. Hence we have the Pecan delight: pecan on the bottom, chocolaty goodness in the middle, and another pecan on the top. 

I made and ate these for you sister (and also for my sweet, chocolate urge)! Salute!

~Although this does not count as a new recipe, it is a newly created rendition of a recipe.  As far as I am concerned that counts towards my goals.

1 comment:

  1. wow - look who's taking fancy photos now! Those look amazing!!! Not to be a nit-picker, but I used to add a little bit of liquid to smooth out the consistency. Doesn't look like yours need it though. Wish I could try them! (if there are any left!)
