Monday, March 26, 2012

The Beauty of Roosters

In the Russian culture I feel there were many objects of nature that were alluring to the Russian people. For example trees.  There must be at least 5 songs written per each tree type in Russia.  Although I'm not sure that roosters (petushki) are on the same caliber of appreciation as trees. Okay I know they are not.  However, they are still culturally famous.  There is of course Petya Petushok.  The town Petushki.  A rooster emblem in many a film.  A poem written by Pushkin about the Golden Rooster. The well known story of the rooster kidnapped by the fox. 

And so I have introduced you to all the roosters living in my home.  I have had a rooster fascination since the time I convinced my friend to make a rooster paper-mache with me in the 9th grade. And now I have finally satiated my need for roosters...

"Петушок, петушок,
Золотой гребешок,
Масляна головушка,
Шелкова бородушка,
Что ты рано встаешь,
Голосисто поешь,
Деткам спать не даешь?"

1 comment:

  1. Guess chickens must be in our genes! Love all your chickens!!
