Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Joy of Infant Play

Three Short Activities:

1. Alouette Mirror Play- He got a big kick out of sitting on my lap in front of our long mirror while I held his hands and placed them accordingly on body parts while singing the song.

2. "Football"- A great gift now that he is learning to grasp was our holy football.  He was actually able to hold it and look at it and bring it to his mouth.

3. "Reading" a Book- Kill two birds with one stone and get some tummy time in while looking at pictures. We propped ourselves on our favorite Boppy pillow and read our book twice!

One Long Activity:

1. Baby Massage - We haven't been doing this as consistently as I had first intended but it's still nice every once in a while.  I do incorporate some massage techniques with some natural oil (purchased at Whole Foods) during bath time. He LOVES having his legs massaged!

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