Monday, July 22, 2013

The Joy of a Friend

What's better than a girlfriend who you share dreams, secrets, and books with? A friend that you create handsome men of your dreams with in Middle School and imagine what kind of castle you might live in, because it does happen SOMETIMES. Or plan a trip at the age of 12 to Costa Rica with a hot air balloon. Someday I think we really should take that trip...

There aren't many experiences that top two endless days of baking Christmas cookies to the point that you vow the following year you won't be doing anything in preparation for Christmas. Or painting together because we say it soothes us but really the entire time we curse under our breath. 


And who can beat a person who always backs you up even when deep down we may disagree, which probably happens more often than we let on. And who can salsa dance with you for probably five hours non-stop.

You can't really beat a friend like that. Miss you Friend.

Happy Birthday!

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