Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Joy of Breastmilk

A little granola? Maybe. But hey you gotta try things in life...

During our birthing class it came up that breast milk is a magical substance that heals everything.  My little one got his first cold, which is obviously a little traumatic for the first time mom. We pulled out the stops; steamy showers, vaporizer with eucalyptus essential oil, natural chest rub, and then there was the stuffy nose to address. I had three options: 1) saline solution 2) homemade solution (I believe it was water, salt, and baking soda) or 3) breast milk.

We did try the homemade solution but in the end breast milk won out. Our stuffy nose got better and our cold went away. What as the cure? The time it took to naturally heal? All of the remedies together? Magical breast milk? Who knows. But we will probably use breast milk in the future. Besides it is the easiest of all three. I don't have to go anywhere. I don't have to buy anything. And I don't have to make anything, well not with my hands anyway.

~What are some of your favorite remedies?~

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