Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Beauty of a Wine Walk

My husband and I have been on a mini kick of surprising each other with dates.  This past Friday I surprised my husband with a wine walk.  All the little shops and businesses on Main St. of a neighboring town were open, catering hors d'oeuvres and hosting to local wineries.  Each store hosted at least one winery with more than one wine to try.  Here were our tries with our "connoisseur" descriptions.

Kyra Wines
Pinot Noir
Not too bold. Smooth. Nice.

My Favorite. Clear. Refreshing. Easy. Smooth.

No remark.

Forbidden White
Blend. Sweet. Wet. Easy Down.

Cabernet Franc
No remark.

No remark.

Blend of Syrah & Merlot. Full.

Husband's Favorite. Starts tart, ends sweet.

Mistura Blanco
Cool. Fresh. Oaky.

Cabernet Sauvignon

Not too sweet. Refreshing.

Leaves mouth cottony. Cotton went away when paired with chicken sausage.

Pinos Gris
Cool with soft aftertaste.

Syrah based blend. Tangy. Sweet.

Merlot based blend. Tasted that same as the Fortissimo.

Bold. Powerful. Dryish.

Nothing to write home about.

I always knew that I knew nothing about wine, but this wine walk accentuated that point.  It was difficult enough to try and describe the wines without reusing the same words over and over again.  Nevertheless, I enjoyed pretending to know how to describe each wine that swirled in my mouth, because I did swirl. As you can see the most well thought out descriptions were "no remark" and "nothing to write home about."  The wines that had no remarks, I'm not sure what happened.  I wrote as we walked and sipped so somehow along the way, those wines got overlooked. 

The whole experience was novel to us and a pleasant first.  It will hopefully not be our a last wine walk. 

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