Friday, July 27, 2012

The Beauty of a Lavendar Farm

20 Creative Ways to Use Lavendar

1. Plant the variety "Hidcote" along a walkway to greet guests with fragrance.
2. Dab a drop of essential oil on each temple with a gentle massage to help relieve tension.
3. Make Lavendar Mint ice cubes to chill down lemonade or iced tea.
4. Keep a vial of essential oil in a first aid kit to treat bug bites, scratches, and burns.
5. Make lavendar sugar to sweeten tea & baked goods.
6. Mist sunburned skin with lavendar water to soothe and cool.
7. Weave fresh stems into mini heart wreaths to top gift packages
8. Add fresh buds to brownies or chocolate frosting.
9. Place 5 drops of essential oil on a washcloth and toss in dryer to freshen clothing.
10. Fill fabric bags with dried lavendar buds and place in clothing drawers & closets to keep fresh.
11. Plant a butterfly and bee garden of different varieties of lavendar to attract natural beauty to a sunny spot.
12. Place small envelopes of dried lavendar buds in book pages to keep away musty smells.
13. Promote relaxing sleep by tucking sachets of lavendar in pillowcases.
14. Add a few drops of essential oil to a cotton ball and place in unused ashtray in car for aromatherapy.
15. Infuse fresh lavendar into warm honey to create a flavorful sweetener.
16. Add 10 drops of essential oil per ounce of unscented liquid soap for rich fragrant healing mixes.
17. Add fresh buds to shortbread cookie recipes to infuse a perfumed sweetness.
18. Infuse lavendar and lemon verbena into white vinegar to use as hair rinse or skin tonic.
19. Place dried buds on carpet, allow to sit for at least 15 minutes or longer and vacuum up for an herbal carpet freshener.
20. Plant the variety "Grosso" in a cutting garden for fresh fragrant bouquets in the summer.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Beauty of Dorothy Lake

A Summer Hike

Dorothy Lake:
2 Miles Long
Elevation 3060 ft.
Fantastic Day

Goal #6

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Beauty of Honey-Balsamic Chicken

Honey-Balsamic Chicken

Olive Oil
Balsamic Vinegar

Weight Watchers Approved: 4 points
Goal # 4

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Beauty of Initiating Change

So now that half of the year has gone by, I have finally decided to make the changes I set out to make at the beginning of the year.

Changes Made:
  • Joined Weight Watchers
  • Healthy foods bought at Trader Joe's included: broccoli, kale, eggs, non-fat yogurt, & lentils
  • Joined the local community center
  • Attended a 50 minute workout class (and was impressed with the old lady in front of me who was kicking my butt!)
1920's Ad

And at the end of the day was able to enjoy a glass of red wine while sitting on the porch eating dinner with my husband

Goals Addressed: #3 & #6

Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Beauty of Sparseness

Back in the 30's the average woman had nine that clothes are so cheap people end up with stuffed closets and "nothing to wear"!!

To Do: Clean Out Closet. Add only good quality articles of clothing. Decide how many outfits would be appropriate to own.

Could you narrow your wardrobe down to nine outfits?